Hi, I tried to open the skeleton viewer with 3.8.99 version, but the window closed immediately
您好,我嘗試開啟 skeleton viewer 3.8.99版本,但是視窗只閃了一下就不見了

This is the java version I'm having, I assume it should be the latest?

I'm able to open the 3.6 version Skeleton Viewer, but my spine files are too new and failed to opened with an older spine version when I wanted to export the json as 3.6 version.
我能正常開啟3.6版的skeleton viewer, 但是我的Spine檔案太新了, 即使我嘗試將Spine降檔重新輸出, 原檔案也因為不相容而無法開啟。
so I still need to open it with the 3.8.99 version, is there any suggestion to fix this problem?
因此我還是必須以3.8.99來瀏覽,有什麼建議解決方式嗎? 🙂