• Unity
  • Unity import 2018, Spine 3.8.99 not importing Atlas

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I just updated Spine for a new project, and the got the latest spine-unity 3.8 package for the unity import.
I have the pro version, and exported the json, atlas, and png files for a new animation/character.
I have installed the spine package into Unity.2018.4.7.

I keep getting the "Could not automatically set AtlasAsset for animation" error when I pull those files into Unity.
This usually works fine, I've never hard this problem before.
Any ideas?
Thank you.

Oh wow! I think I fixed it.
I went into the "Export->Pack Settings" section, and in the lower right, I changed the atlas extension from .atlas, to .atlas.txt.
I think that helped Unity read it.

MommysBestGames :

Oh wow! I think I fixed it.
I went into the "Export->Pack Settings" section, and in the lower right, I changed the atlas extension from .atlas, to .atlas.txt.
I think that helped Unity read it.

Yes that is correct: spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Export User Guide

Good job figuring it out!

Glad you've figured it out, thanks for letting us know!