• Editor
  • Moving Images from one slot to another

Hi there,

I often find myself importing PNG sequences into Spine and having to move all the attachments from their respective slots into one general slot.

Maybe I have been doing it wrong, but currently, I'm doing this manually :grinfake
is there an easier way to do this?

I tried looking at Search and replace but can't figure it out?

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Hello, for PNG sequences, there's several ways to make the job easier for you.
While we have the feature planned to be officially implemented in Spine:

The most recent way to import them with a user tool can be found in this thread: Importing PNG sequence out of place in Spine

It also already imports the sequence all in one slot. so I'd recommend it.

To move the sequence around, remember to parent it to a bone and move the bone instead so you don't lose the alignment of the images.