olegbolshakov :UI elements are coming inside of character's prefab, yes. I was thinking about meshRenderer bounds, but these seem to use worldSpace coordinates, so I'm not exactly sure how to tie them to UI objects. Should this be achieved via custom code or there is a way to do that in the editor?
There are a couple ways you could do it - here is one way:
1) Set up your character prefab so that the Skeleton Animation is not on the 'parent' gameobject of the prefab, but on a child, so now you can scale your Skeleton Animation gameobject without scaling the entire prefab.
2) Create another gameobject "CanvasContainer" that will just be a container for your Canvas/UI. This should not be a child of the Skeleton Animation gameobject.
3) Position your CanvasContainer to the centerpoint of where you want your canvas to be.
4) Create the canvas as a child of the CanvasContainer, and set it up as-needed (Render Mode: World Space, Width/Height, disable Graphic Raycaster if you dont want it to receive mouse events)
5) Now create a gameobject that IS a child of the SkeletonAnimation, and name it "CanvasPositioner". Also place this where you want the centerpoint of the canvas to be (over the character's head).
6) Place a script on the CanvasContainer that simply sets its Transform.position to the Transform.position of CanvasPositioner in Update().
Now you can scale your SkeletonAnimation, which will correctly move the CanvasPositioner, but won't scale your Canvas (since its not a child gameobject), and your CanvasContainer will follow the CanvasPositioner.
Let me know if that makes sense, and works for you. There are a lot of other ways you could do it, but this one is probably the most simple, and gives you the flexibility of positioning the CanvasPositioner exactly where it looks best.