Process: com.example.chaos_ping_pong, PID: 25230
com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class is not registered: java.util.Collections$SynchronizedRandomAccessList
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Collections$SynchronizedRandomAccessList.class);
I tried to add this "SynchronizedRandomAccessList" in registration or even in Collections.SynchronizedRandomAccessList but Java can't find it
Then was attempt to add kryo-serializers, but gradle had errored with "duplicare class" (
//implementation 'de.javakaffee:kryo-serializers:0.45' - something wrong here maybe?
I'm using List<> with made-by-me classes.
List<MyClass> for example
Also, i'm russian. Sorry for bad english.