• Unity
  • Spine atlas asset deletes material(s) after changes.


I keep getting this weird behaviour: if a colleague of mine changes a material used by a skeleton atlas asset in the unity project, after modifying it and pushing it to the remote repository, on my pc - after pulling his changes - the material gets deleted and I have to create it again, and link it to the atlas asset.

This behaviour is REALLY annoying, is there a solution to this?

Have a good day.

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This sounds as if you are encountering problems with your .meta files (or your version control system). Are you sure you are both using the same meta files for the affected assets?

If yes, could you maybe describe in more detail what your and your colleagues performed steps are, maybe you could also post the commit diff here that leads to the deleted material.

Harald :

This sounds as if you are encountering problems with your .meta files (or your version control system). Are you sure you are both using the same meta files for the affected assets?

If yes, could you maybe describe in more detail what your and your colleagues performed steps are, maybe you could also post the commit diff here that leads to the deleted material.

Hello there!
Ok so unfortunately we are using Unity Collab for this project (I'm the only one that knows how to use Git so we tried a solution that could fit the entire team) and turns out that sucks quite a lot. The problem is that I don't know how to retrieve the diffs from Collab (I'm gonna look into it pretty soon). Also, I would expect it to work as intended with the .meta files since is developed by Unity themselves, but hey, apparently it is no.

The only step that leads to this problem is when the material is changed (e.g. adding a new normal map texture), then after the push from that PC, if someone else pulls onto his/her machine, the material is gone.

Last info: we do not use spine material for sprites, we use the standard one with roughness setup.


If diffs aren't easily available, maybe you could quickly test by just sending the material file (_Material.mat) over to your colleague and copying it over the existing one - if it still gets deleted, then your version control system is innocent. In this case, could you then please send us a zip package of your asset files plus the problematic material file, then we can have a look.