• Unity
  • Timeline and multiple aimations

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So far, if you want to play multiple spine animation on a skeletonAnimation at the same time you have to create as much track as animation needed and you won't have scrubbing due to how Timeline works (there is a thread about that in the forum).

I was wondering, if I create a custom track and a custom clip that allow to specify one ore more AnimationAssets and to play each animation in different trackIndex on the skeletonAnimation - would it be possible to have scrubbing ?

I ask that because is not really convenient to re-create combination of animations in Timeline each time is needed, it could be done one on a asset for exemple, and it's also not convenient not having scrubbing when more than one animation are played on the same skeleton.

Having a sequencer tool like Timeline and an animation tool like Spine not really working well together is a bit sad - it would be really great to improve what can be do in Timeline using Spine, trying to mach a bit more what we can do with the API, like playing more that one animation, setting the track index etc.


You are right about the scrubbing limitations due to the Timeline API. I asume you already know that it is working in play mode.

I was wondering, if I create a custom track and a custom clip that allow to specify one ore more AnimationAssets and to play each animation in different trackIndex on the skeletonAnimation - would it be possible to have scrubbing ?

I wonder how you would then move each track's animations around (to position the track for timing), since you would only have a single line?

I'm not quite sure to understand your question. The point would be to be able to simulate a preset of animations, like what you can do with the preview animation window. So for a preset of animation, all animations could start at the same time, so you don't really need to move animation "inside" the clip, which is not possible. It also possible to imagine that the custom clip expect AnimationAssets but could also let you set delay for each. I says AnimationAsset, but the combination of animation could be describe by a specific struct with more information than an AnimationAsset has.

Actually there is no ideal solution, but at least, be able to set-up in Timeline a Spine "behaviour" like "Victory Dance" which is a combination of animations (body_victory_dance, emote_victory, head_bang etc.) in one clip and be able to scrub that would really ease the workflow instead of having to create four tracks, one for each animation, and having no scrubbing.

Does that make sense ?

Thanks for your elaborate description. I meant exactly what you described.

I just asume that a single clip with offset-values for each animation on a track is not very comfortable to use. As soon as one animation plays longer on track 0 and consecutive animations are played on track 1, things get a bit ugly, image the following scenario:




I personally would prefer two separate tracks and starting play mode to test if things align nicely.

However, If you only need looping animations, feel free to create your own adaptations of course, in a constrained scenario the things you described will work.

I have created an issue ticked for fixing the current multi-track scrubbing preview here:
[unity] Timeline multi-track scrubbing not working · #1313
We will definitely adress this in the future.

Ho, if the multi-track scrubbing can be fixed it would be really awesome. Any idea of a timeframe for that ?


1 年 后

Unfortunately I cannot provide you with any reliable timeframe for that, however I can say that since this is more a bug than an additional feature, it will be prioritized accordingly.

We can gladly announce that Timeline multi-track preview (multi-track scrubbing) in the Editor has finally arrived!
We have also added Timeline support for SkeletonGraphic.

The new 3.8 UPM package is available for download here as usual:
Spine Unity Download

Hope you like it! 8)