• Unity
  • Using Mechanim animations

I'm finally getting into really integrating spine animations into my Unity project. I've fiddled here and there and should likely just rely upon the runtimes many features for controlling the asset, but I am attempting to do the whole convert to Mechanim thing for now. The issue that I'm having is that, if I use the inspector button in my SkeletonData asset, it generates unity animation clips but they are all blank but of the proper length. Is there something in this process that is a likely huge red flag that I am missing?


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Maybe it's just the preview window of your animations which is blank. Have you tried dragging the SkeletonData asset from the project window onto the scene and selecting "Skeleton Mecanim"? That should add your Spine object to the scene with the proper Controller asset linked to it. You can then select the Controller asset and drag your animation into the Animator window as usual to add them to the state machine.

Thanks, Harald.

I tried it both ways, actually. The preview window is inactive, but the I see that the animation clip has things like the proper events in place and the proper length. It only shows GameObject.Dummy in the properties area of the Animation clip editor. Is this expected? I thought that going through this process would actually produce keyframes similar to what I did in Spine.

Currently the Mecanim animation preview is unfortunately not showing the Spine animation.
You can track the issue here: [unity] Mecanim animation preview windows · #1253

Currently the best way to evaluate and tweak transitions is to start Play mode and tweak things this way, sorry for the inconvenience.

No worries. I was looking to use Mecahnim until I got familiar with the runtimes. Seems I was already able to get things going that way making this contingency plan irrelevant.

I do wonder, though. Does this mean that people can't currently bake spine animations to share assets with non-spine users?

Baking is not affected by this preview display issue, so sharing should be no problem in general. Of course, as you already know, not all features that Spine offers can be baked down to a Spine-independent Unity asset, so some things will get lost on this conversion step (e.g. FFT, limit in number of bones, ..).

Thanks, Harald. The last question was more of a theoretical one. The learning curve for the runtimes and basic usage is pretty shallow, so I don't really see a case for going to the Mechanim option.

Thanks again for your help.

You're welcome, great to hear that the learning curve is easy enough!