• Bugs
  • Import project path folder problems

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Hi hi

I'm on Win10 with Spine 3.6.53.

1/ I launch Spine
2/ I open raptor.spine
3/ I import project with skeleton ckecked, I chose the stretchyman.spine example
From skeleton stretchyman, new skeleton stretchyman
4/ Images of raptor are okay, but the stretchyman one's are not, and weirdly, the path used is the images from raptor.

图像因不支持 HTTPS 被隐藏。 | 仍然显示

Notice how the head of strechyman is being replaced with the spineboy head.

图像因不支持 HTTPS 被隐藏。 | 仍然显示

The meshes are now modified

图像因不支持 HTTPS 被隐藏。 | 仍然显示

So even if I select my stretchyman images folder path, it's broken

图像因不支持 HTTPS 被隐藏。 | 仍然显示

I did this process several times months ago, and everything was fine. What happened?

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