• Unity
  • 2D and 3D physics for spine-unity

We are happy to announce improved support for HingeJoint and HingeJoint2D chains in our spine-unity runtime! This makes it easy to add realistic cape physics to your character, have it drag heavy objects around, swing a morning star, or much more.

You can find all the details in our blog post.

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14 天 后

This sounds super sexy!
Do you have suggestions on which framework to use on web? - and could Spine open to that one in the same way?
We need feature parity between web and unity 🙂

It's going to be hard to match Unity on the web 🙂 If you want a robust runtime for the web that is based on our spine-ts code, have a look at pixi-spine: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi-spine

I'm not sure how far physics integration is going in pixi-spine, but I do believe they integrate a web port of box2D, which could work. It will involve coding though.

I'm afraid we do not have the resources to build a Unity for the web ourselves 🙂

Hehe, I understand 🙂

(and by "we" I mean where I work, not as some machiavellic representation of the Spine community I'd pose to represent.)

We're using pixi here and there. I'll whip out my cattle prod and poke at my more technical colleagues to have a look at this.

But back on the unity topic: looking at that blog post, damn, I'd love to give this a go, THANKS!